Oh! Mr. President
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/when-the-cold-breeze-blows-away/images/1/15/Rodrigo_Duterte.jpg/revision/latest?cb%3D20180401024809&imgrefurl=https://when-the-cold-breeze-blows-away.fandom.com/wiki/Rodrigo_Duterte&tbnid=XNcqki66Nv1vAM&vet=1&docid=yFC2H-23VDvGwM&w=1209&h=1667&hl=en&source=sh/x/im Hi Mr. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, what a fine man person. I just wanna tell you that you're great to this position. A well knowned Person in the Philippines is such a honor to be your one of the Pinoy citizen. You have a lot great things that you implement to this country and more to the future. Presidential position is not that quite easy to handle so I am so glad that you handle it very well. As a Pinoy here, I am not disappointed the way you lead our country to be successful as the other countries. You fixed the addiction of drugs and u improved our n