
Showing posts from March, 2022


Image Lent, often known as the Lenten season or Great Lent, is a 40-day period of meditation on Jesus' desert fasting and temptation. Lent is a forty-day period of fasting and prayer that precedes Easter, but is it still characterized in this way in today's society, or has it changed? Following the Epiphany feast, the Lenten season starts. Lent is a liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts until the Paschal Triduum, which is 48 days before Easter. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing throughout Holy Week, the Lenten fast is usually practiced for 40 days. Because it is the feast of our Lord's resurrection, Sundays are exempt from the Lenten fast. Lent Sundays, on the other hand, are still part of the Lenten liturgical season in the Western Church, and worship services are more muted. The jubilant "Alleluias!" that follow the Gloria are not uttered until the Eas


Image       Kannawidan Ilocos Event is a festival in Ilocos Sur that commemorates the 1818 split of the two Ilocos provinces. This celebration features cultural performances, religious rites, and cookery demonstrations showcasing the best of Ilocano cuisine. It is a festival that takes place during the last week of January and the first week of February. The commemoration of the province's founding day is included in the schedule of activities. A mass is usually held in the St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral on the day of the opening. The Patron Saints of the 40 parishes, as well as images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, parade about the city. It is the Ilocanos' way of thanking God not just for t