
Lent, often known as the Lenten season or Great Lent, is a 40-day period of meditation on Jesus' desert fasting and temptation. Lent is a forty-day period of fasting and prayer that precedes Easter, but is it still characterized in this way in today's society, or has it changed?

Following the Epiphany feast, the Lenten season starts. Lent is a liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts until the Paschal Triduum, which is 48 days before Easter. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing throughout Holy Week, the Lenten fast is usually practiced for 40 days. Because it is the feast of our Lord's resurrection, Sundays are exempt from the Lenten fast. Lent Sundays, on the other hand, are still part of the Lenten liturgical season in the Western Church, and worship services are more muted. The jubilant "Alleluias!" that follow the Gloria are not uttered until the Easter season during Lent, when the liturgical color violet is used to symbolise monarchy and repentance. The altar is pared down on Maundy Thursday to symbolize a sense of sadness. The altar is stripped of its ornamentation on Maundy Thursday, and the altars and pastors are dressed in black on Good Friday.

With the development of a vaccine, we expect to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In the foreseeable future, we may expect a return to normalcy. But, more significantly, throughout the Lenten season, we emphasize three lifestyle habits: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, among others.



  1. Indeed that we are slowly seeing a rays of hope against the said virus and soon everything will go back to normal. We would still be wearing our face masks and be aware of the health protocols, but the following years I am sure that we would be roaming free from the virus!

  2. Hi there! I appreciate your post about the “Lenten Season Observance”, coz it really makes me aware of the lenten season. Yes, it’s true that lent is a time to correct our bad habits and make ourselves a little bit more in Christ's image, and lent is also a time for sacrifice. During this season, we have the opportunity to sacrifice something that is meaningful to us, and it is really important to celebrate.

  3. We are in fact slowly recovering from the pandemic and all, but I definitely agree that our focus should mostly be on the significance of the Lent season wherein we pray, do fasting, almsgiving and the kind. Anyways, keep up the good work!


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